Sunday, September 27, 2015

"On top of the world" for Lucas' birthday

What an amazing week-end for our little Lucas' birthday (9 years old).  We went to Gaustatoppen, which is a mountain nearby.  We went all the way up to the summit, (1883m) using the "elevator" system that originally was built for NATO in the late 50's.  We would have hiked, but Alyssa's broken leg prevented us from walking too much.  The views from the summit were UNBELIEVABLE!  You can see 1/6 of Norway from up there on a sunny and clear day like today.  What a way to celebrate Lucas' birthday today!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lucas!

Lucas near the summit of Gaustatoppen (1883m)
On the way to Gaustatoppen (summit in the background)

Stopped on the side of the road...  Gaustatoppen in the background.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Saturday morning run with my little guy

So happy to have Celian back after a week of camp at Kystleirskolen (  Sounds like he had a great time:  he came back with a bunch of stories to tell, including some scary moments on a kayak!  Our little guy is growing so fast!

We went for a little run on this beautiful Saturday morning.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Broken tibia...

Trampoline accident for our little Alyssa this Saturday...  Broken tibia for our little one...  It's a "clean" fracture within any displacement.  She is doing better now.  And smiling on the picture below after watching daddy's ipad for hours today...  She will keep her cast for 5 to 6 weeks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Mother nature...

It rained for most of the night and day today, which really increased the flow rate of the Numedalslaagen river flowing through Kongsberg.  Very impressive!  Especially when comparing to the picture below taken in August...

On a normal day (August 2015)...

Sunday, September 13, 2015

First swimming competition today

Today we had a first swimming competition for Celian, in Hokksund (a little town about 25 min from Kongsberg).  It was an all-day event, very well organized.  Celian did great for a first competition here in Norway.  He swam 100m freestyle, 50m backstroke, 50m breaststroke and finally 50m freestyle.  He really improved his time from his last meets in the US, so all the hard training paid off.  Coach Rune was very happy.  We're very proud of our little buddy.  Keep up the good work! Next competition is on October 11 & 12 (2-day competition, about 2 hours from Kongsberg).  Celian found 3 other friends who are in the same school and who swim as well.  Looks like a great bunch!

Ready for the 50m freestyle.  Celian is in lane 4.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Marching band practice + playing in the rain

Great day today:  Celian had his marching band practice (getting for the grand opening of the new Performing Arts school in Kongsberg).  And the kids played in the rain this afternoon:  they have all the gear for it and are all set!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

First band practice for Celian today

Celian had his first band practice today with the Guttemusikken Hovedkorps:  he plays drums/percussion.  He's easy to spot on the picture below:  he's wearing his Norway shirt, in the back of the band.  He had some great help from his new band members.  Very proud of our little guy and how well he's fitting in.